I Got A New Job.
And with it came a fabulous new computer. A Mac.I’m a well trained, typing away 8hours a day, PC user. But now I’m a Mac user. Or at least I’m attempting to be a Mac user.Don’t think too much - apparently words to live by when you are transitioning from a PC to Mac.It’s the best advice I’ve gotten. Seriously. Because when I start to think, suddenly I become frozen. But if I stop, (thinking that is) then I somehow manage to get whatever it is I’m trying to get done, done. I suppose I could watch a video. Or read a blog. Or Google each of my silly PC crutches that I use to understand what the equivalent on the Mac is. Do Mac users use Google? I should Google that question.Delete & backspace on a PC versus just delete on the Mac. I rely on that forward erasing tool on a PC – and for a week I cursed it’s nonexistence, but lo and behold, it does exist, and if I would have stopped thinking and just tried a couple of things I would have realized its existence far earlier. Now I am back in the business of forward deleting to my heart’s content.I sent a celebratory email to a coworker when I figured out how to create a document folder. I practically wept when I realized there was no right click on the mouse and squealed with delight when I was shown the two-finger trackpad click equivalent. I mean really, how else will I quickly find a synonym for logical? Without Googling it that is.So what would be my advice if you are transitioning from a PC to a Mac - don’t think, Google it. Just kidding. Just dive in. Trust what you know. It’s intuitive…just don’t fight it.I’m learning a Mac, I’m transitioning from client side to agency side, and the synonym I liked best for logical was commonsensical.- Blythe Carrillo