I've Started Drawing Pictures Again
It really is how I got into graphic design. I used to draw constantly. I would draw my hand, draw my friends…come up with new cartoon characters. I even took a cartooning class with my left hand when I broke my right arm skateboarding.But as my career has progressed, my drawing has dwindled. That's not to say my illustration work hasn't been an ongoing part of what I do, but the majority of my illustration gigs are digital. The pen-to-paper portion of the project has been reduced to quick sketches to base my digital art off of. It's really been that way since I graduated from college.
Fast forward fifteen years. I'm sitting at dinner with some of my favorite clients: Presidio Social Club owner Ray Tang and CapaBunga owners Maire Murphy and Walt Averill. Maire busts out a pen and ink illustration of a restaurant exterior she purchased on a recent trip. Suddenly all eyes are on me.
"Could you do this for PSC?!" Ray asks me excitedly."Um, I think so…"I respond. I'm not being humble. I just don't know if I can draw anymore.Turns out I can. And I think I've actually gotten better. But I'm not being cocky.You see, my son draws all the time. He screams out, "Daddy, get me my sketcher! I'm expired!" throughout the day. I explain he's 'inspired' and he ignores me as he renders a dandelion.I've decided my job at this point is to remind him that it doesn't have to be perfect. He's a perfectionist like his dad. And a perfectionist is a tortured soul when it comes to drawing. Nothing is ever perfect and it's hard not to only see the 'mess up' when you're looking at your own work.It turns out that I have, somehow, taken my own advice. I am actually able to see the beauty in the imperfections. My initial pencil sketches have grown much rougher. I've taken to using thicker pens so I can't represent every detail with thin and exact lines. And I love to draw again!So keep an eye out for my illustrations at PSC. Ray told me he wants to 'Brandtize' their materials with my drawings. And coming from a fellow perfectionist I take that as the highest compliment!
- Brandt Hoekenga