Better Late Than Never???
So, I was supposed to ‘blog’ last week. We had decided we would all get in on the action of writing blogs for our TIV website and I was the one who created the calendar and assigned myself to last week. Yet here I am a week later, a week late and still no blog posted.It’s not that I didn’t think about it. In fact, I thought about it a lot. Many times. What should I write? What would be interesting? What would be educational for people? Okay, maybe that was a stretch but at least entertaining and worth reading would be a start. And somehow I just froze. No blog… no blogging for me on my assigned week.It’s funny because I knew exactly what I should write about. I should write about going to UC Davis last week to visit the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science with our client, Crystal Creamery, and our partner, The Intrinsic Group, because wow! I am a UCD alum (GO AGGIES!!) so I really shouldn’t have been so impressed but wow. It was impressive.We started in the Dairy Lab where we listened to this amazing scientist talk about “fractualization” (is that even a real word?) I listened intently nodding my head and trying to pretend I was following her explanation (Communications major here – no science since high school…) of how they were taking milk and spinning it and doing all these things to it to try to end up with something that could help individuals in the developing world. And I thought to myself someday – probably 5 or 10 years from now - I am going to hear about this making a difference in the world and I will think “Aha! That is what she was talking about!”After the Dairy Lab we spent time in the Winery – a personal favorite of mine – where we learned about the cross over of science and art when making wine. I don’t even want to get started on the amazing building that was all built with sustainability in mind because that was completely impressive on its own. And did you know that you can major in Beer Brewing?? Really?? UC Davis has come a long way since I graduated 18 years ago.Our last stop was the pilot plant and that is where the wheels really started turning for all of us. It is this amazing spot where we can actually do pilot runs and product development for our new products. Many of our clients don’t have their own big R&D groups or departments or facilities. And here we have this amazing resource for product development right in our backyard. I can’t wait to see how this partnership develops.So, that’s what I should have written my blog about….. better late than never? Yes. Better late than never.- Britta Foster