Streets to Creeks
2022 marks the beginning of the fourth year of the Streets to Creeks campaign. We’ve partnered closely with our contacts at the City of Santa Rosa as well as worked with other partner cities and towns that belong to the Russian River Watershed.
We started by developing the campaign as a whole and began people at the top of the sales funnel. As the awareness of the program has grown we’ve pulled people further and further down the funnel and are now actively engaging with the community.
Our biggest challenge:
It’s surprising how few people actually understand that water flows from the street, down the storm drain and into our creeks completely untreated…

Over the three years we’ve worked on the Streets to Creeks campaign we’ve developed countless digital and print assets, built a full website with content developed to engage, created a number of tools to help educate the people of the Russian River Watershed and have a solid vision of how the campaign will evolve into the future.
For a full overview of the campaign please reach out. I’d love to talk your ears off about this campaign…I’m extremely proud of how it has turned out.