Inspiration Point

Recently I was talking with my Dad about work. He asked if being busy stressed me out. I responded, "It's hard to get too worked up…it's not like we're doing heart surgery here." My Dad is a retired Cardiologist.That said, I find that people are intrigued by the process of what I do. Where do the ideas come from? How does someone's desire for a logo, for instance, eventually end up as a finalized identity? How do I go about coming up with tag lines and copy for an ad campaign? Why do I choose the colors I choose and what inspires those decisions? While it's definitely not life or death, it's a process that adds value to many brands, products and companies.I think that anyone involved in visual arts sees the world a little differently. It's part of what is so wonderful about art. It's a glimpse through someone else's eyes. Seeing things like I do is something that is developed through years of creating visuals. I don't look at a car, I look at the proportions. I don't see words on a billboard, I see the fonts used, the spacing, the line breaks…It took Christy a couple of years working with me before she complained about the leading in a magazine ad (bonus points if you know what leading is?). I knew then she was starting to see the world like I do.But it's hard to explain this in a blog, so we thought we would try to show how we view the world through visuals. Our new series will be known as INSPIRATION POINT. It will consist of photos of things we see that inspire us. And of course the POINT part is a blurry finger in the photo pointing out the inspiration.Follow TIV on Facebook to keep an eye on what inspires this design team.-Brandt Hoekenga


To Be, Or Not To Be Interesting


What's In A Brand?