Creative Can Be The Key To Success In Digital Marketing
Creativity has always been a key part of any successful marketing plan. Digital Marketing is not an exception, and with the incredible amount of information available to anyone with an internet connection, potential customers often require a unique and compelling message to be motivated to find out more. Digital marketers who hope to build successful digital marketing plans can more effectively target their ads, but need strong creative now more than ever to get their online audience to respond.
In today’s digital marketplace users move fluidly between devices and channels and expect a seamless, engaging, and unique experience. Users are taking in multiple pieces of information that are competing for their attention. Creativity is often the deciding factor in making an impact with that customer and inspiring them to find out more information about your brand. Creativity will be critical when it comes to both how we target future audiences and what we display to them. Creativity, according to a study by Comscore, is often the deciding factor in response to a digital ad, especially with younger consumers.
Creating a More Compelling User Experience
Marketers are accustomed to targeting consumers by demographics, dividing them up using broad variables such as age, gender, geographical location, or ethnicity. Although these metrics are important and deliver results, marketers can’t afford to rely on demographic data alone in the future, as they will miss a huge opportunity to increase audience engagement and risk delivering generic messages that appear irrelevant.
As targeting becomes more sophisticated, consumers expect the messages they receive to be increasingly tailored and personalized. From the marketer’s perspective, achieving success requires getting creative with targeting and understand the customer’s personality, motives, and action-drivers at a deeper level. Targeting can go well beyond where your audience lives and what they do to become even more granular and specific. With social media, people share their common values and interests to create digital communities of interests that advertisers can leverage to creatively build advanced, personalized targeting that drives action.
Below is a list of sources that you can use to better research the creative approach to gain more ad engagement.
Geo Data
Geographic data outlines the location(s) of your customers. Consumers are more likely to respond when the creative approach fits the needs of their local area.
Behavioral Data
A user’s previous web browsing behavior can give a strong indication of what will reach that consumer. Cookies on consumer web browsers allow you to track website visits, pages viewed, clicks, downloads, and videos watched, and more. Finding the patterns in these behaviors will help to target those consumers more effectively.
Psychographic Data
Psychographics provide insight into what’s driving the purchase decisions of your customers. These insights can include lifestyles, values, and interests. This data will help you to obtain a more detailed profile of your target audience(s).
Customer Service/Sales Team Reviews
With all of the technical data that we have at our disposal, we often forget to ask those that work directly with our customers what those customers want and need, and the questions that they are asking. Customer Service and Sales Teams are a great source of information on customer profiling and can be of great help in a better understanding of how creative can create a connection with your target market.
The key to all of this is to use the data that you get to create different approaches to building brand recognition and sales within your target market. A/B testing and constant review of your metrics, especially clicks and conversions, will lead you to the best approach in most cases. By using the targeting tools available in every digital marketing platform, and understanding the needs and interests of your target customer base, digital markers can deliver more relevant ads that increase long-term brand awareness.
Eric Van Cleave is the CEO and Digital Marketing Director for TIV Branding
TIV Branding is a boutique branding firm in Sonoma County, California. We specialize in building brands by using traditional, social and digital channels in unison. If you would like to discuss a project or find out more about how we do what we do, please email us at